Interests + Favorite things

Eric's Favorite things

i. Alex Trebek

Big Al

you are my dad, you're my dad, boogie woogie woogie.
part time jeapordy host, full time baller

ii. Accordion Post Its


1,000,000% better than regular post its and I'm prepared to fight anyone on this. Yeah they accomplish essentially the same task but like??? They're so much more fun??

iii. Donuts

me me big yum

Probably the funniest thing I've ever heard was someone introducing themself by saying "Hi, my name is ____, and my favorite food is kale. Just kidding, it's donuts."
Also Dunkin Donuts objectively makes the best donuts and I will stand by that. (Their website is here).

iv. Manatees

one goood boy

Just look at this absolute machine right here. I saw one on Mexico once. Also while looking for links to put into this webpage I found a charity that helps them so the picture is a link to there. Definitely a top 10 character that could defeat Thanos alone.